Friday 3 May 2002

May 3, 2002 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

Happy Birthday to...ME!  Yes, it’s true.  I’m another year older, and hopefully wiser.

   I read once that we should never make New Year’s Resolutions, but rather, we should be making Birthday Resolutions.  Apparently the success rate for keeping Birthday Resolutions is vastly higher as there are no hidden expectations that you’ll ever break them.  As well, most people generally become more contemplative around their birthday, thus making it a logical time to think about your life and any changes you’d like to make.

   As I celebrate this milestone birthday (29th), I am taking a moment to look back at my past, considering my present and looking forward to my future - now that my final exam is written and my income tax forms are completed and sent in (before the deadline)!!

   As I look into my past, I reflect on various memories - good and not so good.  When I graduated from high school I never imagined that one day I would be working in Alix, and, even harder to imagine, enjoying it!  I didn’t anticipate it would take me 10 years to complete my B.A. degree.  I have had to struggle with many years of personal illness, a struggle which has made me a stronger person both mentally and spiritually.  Every day I am getting healthier.  While I have no real regrets, I certainly didn’t foresee that I’d still be single when I turned 29.

   As I look at my present life, I can honestly say that at this time last year I never dreamt that my life would look like it does now.  I have a great job at the library which I love.  In addition, I am having so much fun putting out the paper - the fulfillment of a dream that I had stored in the back of my mind for years.  I have many friends, and the opportunity to meet lots of wonderful people through my jobs.  I not only have plenty to keep me occupied, but oodles of free time to just sit and read, or do nothing! 

   At this moment, my future is a blank piece of paper, full of endless possibilities, opportunities, and many, many books still to be read!  I could resolve to start a regular exercise program in the coming year...but that sounds like way too much work!   On the other hand, a resolution I could make and keep (if I don’t pick a specific deadline) is to complete some long overdue craft projects.  I plan to continue studying and complete my Master of Library Science degree (though not by the time I turn 30 - as originally planned).  I pray that my future includes a husband and children (that should effectively dispel the myth that I’m a die-hard career woman!).  I hope to continue to contribute to the community in various capacities, and have a positive impact on the lives of others around me, either directly, or more indirectly through the paper.

   All in all, as I enjoy my special day, I have to say that I am where I want to be and doing what I want to do.  I am happy and at peace with my life and that is the absolute best birthday present in the world.


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