Friday 6 December 2002

December 6, 2002 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

   Some things I learnt from my computer:

  • Computers have feelings too.  It does not pay to get angry or upset with your computer, as the computer will just throw a temper tantrum or pout if you do, and then nothing will get done.
  • Computers need a lot of praise and encouragement.  Computers work best if they are continually praised for the work they do and receive lots of positive encouragement, especially when trying out new tasks.
  • Computers do things on their own schedule.  A task that only took five minutes yesterday can take hours today.  This is most noticeable when you are in a rush, doing a rush job and the computer doesn’t feel like rushing, and they do it their way!
  • Computers have a sense of humour and enjoy playing.  Just when you think you are at the end of your rope and you are about to give up, your computer comes through with a well-timed joke or two.  They are pranksters too.  I can’t count the number of times my computer has hid a file on me forcing me to play hide and seek with it.  In that respect, computers often act just like little children!


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