Friday 7 November 2003

November 7, 2003 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   After residing in the community for 24 years, I never thought I’d see the day when I was ashamed to admit I was a resident of Mirror.  Sadly, that day has arrived.

   On Oct. 27, 2003 the residents of Mirror voted to change our Village motto from “Pride is Our Locomotive” to “Stupidity is the Name of Our Game.” 

   To the 57 other individuals who voted to remain a Village, I would like to commend you on your stance, and thank you for your support for our community.  As for the other 80%, I would like to remind you of some events that have happened in the recent past.

   On February 18, 2003 I attended a Village Meeting in Mirror where it was mentioned that if the proposed budget was passed, we would face dramatic increases in our taxes and water rates.  Naturally, there was some concern about the proposed increases.

   Following the March 26 Village Meeting, a Council meeting was held, with Tom Roberts from Municipal Affairs, and the budget (with massive tax increases) was  passed.  I was shocked when most of the residents in the room erupted into clapping and cheering.  If you were one of those cheering...YOU asked for the high taxes we were faced with this year and YOU showed your support for the increases by your cheering.

   Jumping ahead to the night of Oct. 27th.  I heard that people were again cheering when the results were posted.  Just remember, when things don’t turn out like you think they will...YOU asked for this.

   Dissolution will not solve the problem facing Mirror - which is the majority of the residents living here.  It has been mentioned that Mirror is a caring community.  False!  Mirror has a handful of residents who care about the community and the people who live here.  The vast majority of residents are either too lazy to  do anything, or else they don’t care at all. It has been suggest that we just need to work together to make things happen. The residents of Mirror have not been unified or worked effectively together on anything for as long as I can remember.  So what makes you think that dissolution will change that?

   I was very disappointed (but not overly surprised) that the majority chose to listen to the various lies, misinformation, and misconceptions going around town, rather than listening to the truth. 

   Like lambs being led to the slaughter, the majority of residents living in Mirror have been cleverly manipulated into causing the community’s eventual downfall.

   I can’t believe that the majority of YOU fell for it.

Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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