Friday 18 June 2004

June 18, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

  It seems like I have been talking about education with a lot of people lately - public education (which has lots of problems right now), home-schooling (good option if it works for you) and university (what is my main focus these days).

   Sometimes we have to take a course or learn something, not because the material is relevant or applicable, but because it is an opportunity to learn something new and give our brains a workout.

   Sometimes we actually get to study something that no only makes sense, but is applicable to our lives, jobs, career or interests.  Such is the case with my graduate degree courses.  Each and every one has had some practical application to my library job, either in terms of improving tasks I already do, or in introducing me to new tasks and methods that make the job so much easier.

   While formal education is important, no matter what level you participate in, informal (just for fun) learning is important too.  We are surrounded by opportunities to explore and find out more about the various things around us.  When was the last time you picked up a book on a topic you knew nothing about?  Or talked to someone about their hobby, a hobby which you have no experience in?  Lifelong learning is a lifelong habit. 


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