Friday 3 December 2004

December 3, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   I am finding it hard to believe that it has been two whole weeks since I last typed an editorial.  Where, oh where, is this year going?

   The days, weeks and months have been flying by at lightning speed.  Plus, there are just not enough days in the weeks anymore.

   Do you remember how time dragged when you were waiting for Christmas as a child.  The anticipation and excitement kept building as the days counted down...very s-l-o-w-l-y.  It seemed like Santa would never get here.

   Many of us have lost that sense of anticipation and excitement in our lives.  We are so caught up in our routines and “have to’s” that we overlook the excitement of life around us.  We fret and fume about Christmas shopping and preparations, that we’ve forgotten the anticipation that we felt as a child.

   Let us try and slow time down a bit as we recapture our youthful excitement of the miracle of the Christmas season.  


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