Friday 17 June 2005

June 17, 2005 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   The Alix Public Library just completed the planning process and has identified its five-year and long-term goals.  Every organization usually has some form of planning process that they engage in on a regular basis.  A process that identifies where the organization has been, where it is, and where it is going.

   Individuals too should be making short-term and long-term plans for their future.  It is good to have a direction, focus and goal so that you can stay on track as you travel through life. 

   While goals are good, often what happens is that individuals get hung up on the minute details and forget the overall picture of what they hope to accomplish.  When the details don’t appear, or react, in the preconceived manner and the right time, many feel that they are failing at meeting their goals. 

   As long as you have a destination in mind and are traveling towards it, you will get there even if life throws you a few curves, or you are required to make a detour or two.  Focus on the big picture of what you want your life to look like, and the little details will take care of themselves.

   And when life doesn’t seem to go the way you want it too, remember, your goals haven’t been derailed, you’re just on a scenic detour. 


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