Friday 3 June 2005

June 3, 2005 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   I was able to sleep on my own bed last Saturday night for the first time since November 21/04.  No longer do I have to camp out on the spare bed, or on the floor...despite years of floor sleeping at Guide camps and family outings, I think my body is getting too old to enjoy that novelty for any length of time.

   While we are bombarded with slogans and admonitions to watch out that we are not ‘getting stuck in a rut’ in our lives, there are some areas in our lives where consistency is a really good thing.  A comfortable mattress is one, but by no means the only area!   

   Changing just to change rarely works, and more often than not, backfires on the person or organization making the change.  Change that is the result of a spur-of-the moment enthusiastic burst of energy can bring about less than desirable results too.

   We should be continually striving to grow and stretch ourselves, get out of our ruts, challenge and change, but that growth work and change is best done from a solid, consistent base.  The basic structure of our lives - our values, beliefs, family, etc. - should be rooted and grounded, thereby enabling us to reach and grow knowing we have the security of a safety net to fall back on.  The deeper the roots, the taller the tree can grow. 


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