Friday 5 August 2005

August 5, 2005 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer 

  Sometimes when I’m asked where I get my ideas for my editorials, it is very tempting to give the glib reply, “Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits.”

   While doing some Internet research over the weekend, I accidentally came across a website that sells ideas to people “who want to write but don’t know what to write about.”  I also discovered that particular site is not unique in that there are a variety of sites which are selling ideas, for a variety of prices.

   Ideas are everywhere around us.  Want to write a letter or email to a friend?  Look at what’s going on around you.  Want to write the great Canadian novel?  What’s going on in your community that you could get ideas from (don’t mention specific people by name, they may not like it, especially if you cast them as the villain!).  Want to write an emotionally gripping poem?  What is going on in your life, what emotions are you dealing with, which you could express on paper?  What is going on around you that you can find humour in?

   Ideas are floating on the air all around you, you just need to open your eyes, ears, and heart to recognize them. 

   And...if you do write the great Canadian novel…I think 2% of your royalties would be a fair price for the ideas I’ve shared with you!  


Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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