Friday 21 September 2007

September 21, 2007 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

The other day I came across a website called Green As a Thistle ( which is the site of Vanessa, a single journalist who works at the National Post in Toronto. The subtitle of the site reads “making one change every day to greenify my life (and hopefully not being too smug about it.”

Beginning March 1, 2007, with the intent to switch to recycled, unbleached paper towels, Vanessa has been making one change daily and writing about it as she looks at changing her lifestyle in the coming year. Personally, I can’t believe how many different housecleaning and hair care products she uses!

Some of her 200+ changes to date (which range from very small to life-altering large) include:
· Using tote bags, no more plastic bags
· Signing up for the Freecycle Network
· Unplugging anything that isn’t in use
· Unplugging her refrigerator
· Selling her car; using public transit
· No more take-out, unless she brings her own containers
· Buying in bulk
· Not using staples
· Composting

Some changes that Vanessa has made have been ones she will keep doing, some she has had to make a subsequent change to achieve the result that she wants. Some have been gradual. First she changed her dishwasher soap to a more environmentally friendly option. Then a few days later she changed her settings on her dishwasher to use less water and power. Then, a few days later, she stopped using the dishwasher totally and unplugged it. Some have been more abrupt such as cutting her hair shorter to save on product usage.

Imagine how your life would be different if you made only one small change each and every day for a whole year - whether it is to achieve a greener lifestyle or to learn a new skill or to realize a long-term dream. By making the changes in baby steps, it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Start today!


Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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