Friday 7 August 2009

August 7, 2009 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

This spring and summer I started eating healthier food. I’m not buying anything new, rather I’m taking advantage of nature’s bounty within our yard.

Some of the “new” foods that I’ve added to my diet include:
· baby dandelion greens and blossoms
· clover leaves
· lilac blossoms
· caragana blossoms (they are so sweet I think they are the candy of flowers!)
· violas and pansies
· portulaca
· rose petals

The more intense the colour, the more flavour, and more nutrients. The variety of flavours make each bite a mini adventure. Each night the salad is slightly different depending on what is most plentiful. As well, the greens and flowers are very filling and satisfying.

There are lots of healthy greens and flowers that we could be eating that are readily available. (*Note: Don’t eat any plant that has been treated with chemicals).


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