Friday 7 May 2010

May 7, 2010 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

It has been said that what most people end up doing when they grow up is what they enjoyed doing when they were six or seven.

That is the age when children are still insatiably curious about everything. They are eager to learn and try new things. School is fun.

It is also the age before many children hear the dreaded “you can’t be that” or “be reasonable, you can’t do that” comments.

We ask children that age what they want to do or be when they grow up, and their answers are always bold and adventurous - and even if they change their minds in 24 hours, the answer they give is definite and unwavering in that moment.

Children at that age are full of possibilities and they know - they don’t just believe - that anything can happen. They don’t look for the safe or the obvious route, they explore the unexplored and create new paths.

So, what did you enjoy doing when you were six or seven? Are you doing it now?


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