Friday 16 July 2010

July 16, 2010 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

Lately I have been reading my way through Julia Cameron’s many books on creativity.

So many people don’t let themselves do anything creative because they are worried about how it will be received by other people. They are concerned about being seen as foolish, flaky, and/or a failure.

Yet, in art and creativity, as in life itself, the journey is far more important than the final destination. Doing something creative, creating something, is more important than presenting whatever it is you’ve done to the world for scrutiny.

If you want to write or paint or dance or sing or (fill in the blank), then don’t bother sharing it with others. Do it entirely for yourself. Do it for your eyes or ears only. Do it because you will feel more alive for having done it. Allow yourself to express whatever you need to express, in the way you need to express it.

Who knows, because there is no pressure, you may decide in the end to share it after all.


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