Friday 4 November 2011

November 4, 2011 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer 

   One day I chanced to catch part of an interview on the radio.  A doctor, whose name I didn’t catch, was sharing the story about a certain patient who visited his clinic.  As part of her treatment for her overeating disorder, the doctor told this lady to post her exact weight, which was well over 200 pounds, on a 3 x 5 index card by her computer at work.  The point was that the card would serve as a visual reminder for her to aid her in curtailing her uncontrollable snacking habits.  The lady refused to do such a thing as she would be mortified if anyone knew how much she weighed.  The doctor pointed out to her that everyone in her workplace already knew that she was over 200 pounds!

   Whatever we think we are hiding from the people around us, we aren’t really.  Whether it is:
·          differing opinions/beliefs/likes/dislikes
·          lifestyle choices
·          various habits
·          our weight
·          our spending
·          relationships
·          compulsive activities, or 
·          addictive behaviours
in reality you aren’t really hiding anything from anyone. 

   Even more damaging are the habits and behaviours (see list above) that you hide from yourself (deny).  These definitely are not hidden from other people.  Deep down you know you are engaging in those behaviours, whether you want to consciously admit it or not, and ultimately your body’s response will betray you in the form of nagging symptoms and illnesses, from the seemingly insignificant to terminal.

   When all your energy and effort goes into hiding what you are doing or thinking, you aren’t left with much energy to live your life to the fullest.  You have no time or energy to make healthy choices or engage in life-enriching relationships.  Life is a lot easier, and more enjoyable, when you stop hiding and put your energy into really living.  

Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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