Friday 3 September 2004

September 3, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   It is getting to be that time of year again...the leaves are starting to change colour and drift earthward, the days are getting shorter, there is a definite nip in the air, people are starting to pull out their jackets and fall wardrobes, farmers are harvesting (weather permitting!) and garden produce is being taken in and prepared for winter storage.

   Children are back in school (myself included!) and it is time for the various clubs, organizations and activities to resume for another season.  Registration and sign up nights are scheduled to assist you in deciding what to take part in.

   We all have our usual organizations we’re involved in, but now is the time to reflect on why we’re in the groups we’re in.  If you feel that your contribution makes a difference, or that belonging to something fills a need you have, great.  On the other hand, if you only sign up because you always have and it has become habit, or a dead weight, maybe it’s time to think again.

   All of us have a basic need to contribute to the large world around us, and all of us want to feel that our contribution matters to the whole.  If you don’t have that sense that what you do is important, perhaps it is time to leave that group in someone else’s capable hands as you go off to find a group where your unique talents and expertise will be an asset.

   We all have a special niche in community life.  Have you found yours? 


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