Friday 4 October 2002

October 4, 2002 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

   As a early riser, I often get to watch the sunrise.  On one of my last days by the lake, I looked outside and noticed that the wind was blowing furiously, the waves were rolling across the lake, and the dark clouds were filling the sky.  Basically it was a dreary looking morning with no sign of a sunrise in sight.  Or so it appeared at first…

   While looking towards the south end of the lake I noticed that the field just beyond the lake has a slight dip.  In that small dip I could see a hint of red just below the cloud bank and just above the horizon.  A sign of hope!  The sun was still rising even though I could not see it, and the evidence was found in a rather unlikely direction (as far as I know the sun still rises in the east).

   Often that is the way our lives are.  Too often, when everything seems to be falling apart, all we can see are the dark clouds of despair, the rolling waves of bitterness and we are buffeted by the strong winds of adversity and calamity.  Plans that were falling into place suddenly fall by the wayside and we can only wonder why?  Dreams and goals appear to run into a brick wall and are stalled for no obvious reason.  Things go along great, and then, no matter what you do, nothing seems to go right.  The storms of our lives are raging.

  In dark dreary times, sometimes all we need to do is turn around to see the spark of hopeful anticipation peeking out from the darkness.  The sun will emerge again as those same rough winds blow the dark clouds away.  Better times are coming our way.  Are we ready to accept and enjoy them?


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