Friday 20 June 2003

June 20, 2003 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer 

   As I type this, the time is currently 1:20 pm.  The paper should have been sent off to the printer over seven hours ago, and yet, here I am attempting to compose an editorial.  What’s more, I have absolutely no idea what I should write about.  In addition, I can think of at least a couple of things I’d rather be, or should be, doing.

   Very often in life, we wish we had all the answers, a crystal ball that revealed the future, or a large sign pointing us in the right direction.  Of course, we don’t know all the answers (or even all the questions for that matter), there is no crystal ball and there certainly is no giant direction sign showing us the next step in our lives.

   We have to keep on plugging away, doing our thing and hope for the best.  Hope that we are on the right path and doing what we should be doing.  Life isn’t easy, but nor is it overly complicated either.

   Keep smiling and looking up.  And don’t forget to enjoy both the sunshine and the rain showers, as both are vital for growth.


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