Friday 21 May 2004

May 21, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   It is interesting how each of us have our own preferences and ideal ways to spend a day.  In our minds each of us has the ideal form of work we’d like to do.

   Last week I was helping put the finishing touches on this year’s BoomTown Trail Tales for the Trail.  Even though it took hours, I was thoroughly enjoying the process and watching the various pages take shape.  My co-worker in this venture thought she was being tortured!  I was doing something that comes fairly naturally to me, while my co-worker was struggling to accomplish something she knew she had to do.  As we were approaching the ten hour mark (and seemed no closer to finishing than we’d been at the five hour mark), my co-worker could not believe that I do precisely what we were doing that day, every two weeks.  It boggled her mind.

   If you are fortunate enough to have found a calling that renews you, no matter how many hours you have to spend on it - and if you really love it, time is meaningless - then you have found a gold mine.  You will be enriched and will grow as a person every time you approach that particular task.  Work will seem more like play, and you will feel relaxed and refreshed even after hours and hours.

   While I love what I do, and it seems more like I’m playing than working, the job itself is not perfect.  Things go wrong and there are always areas for improvement.  I really enjoy the whole process a lot more when computer equipment is working properly and people submit their items on time.

   There is no perfect job, but there is a job that is perfectly suited for you.  Have you found that job yet? 


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