Friday 20 August 2004

August 20, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   Figuring out the best layout for the paper is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.  Only in this case, there are sometimes a multitude of possible places to put a particular ‘piece.’

   Sometimes it is very easy to plan the layout as everything just falls into place - pictures are the right size, there is just the right about of text in a certain article, the perfect ad fills up the awkward sized space.  Sometimes it is more challenging and I am left with lots of pieces that don’t fit in the many holes.  That is when I have to get creative and toss in a quotation box or two!

   Unlike a jigsaw puzzle that comes in a box, I don’t have a ‘big picture’ to use as a guide, as I am creating the ‘picture’ as I go along.

   Our lives are like a jigsaw puzzle too.  Often we have a handful of experiences (puzzle pieces) and no obvious places to add them to the puzzle, but they all fit and they all contribute to the final ‘picture’ of your life. 

   Often it is only by looking back, or looking at the situation from a different perspective, that we see how the pieces interlock together forming a more beautiful picture than we could ever have imagined.

   How are the varied pieces of your life creating a beautiful scene? 


Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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