Friday 1 October 2004

October 1, 2004 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   Due to renovations at the Library, I am enjoying an unexpected day off to myself. 

   Now, I could (if I wanted too) gripe and complain about how this is a big inconvenience…and it is an inconvenience, not only myself, but those wanting to use the library, or submit items for the paper.

   Instead, I am thrilled to bits.  This little, unexpected break is providing me with time to accomplish tasks that I thought I’d have to forgo this week due to time constraints.  As well, I am typing this editorial in a leisurely manner on Tuesday, rather than in a frantic rush on Wednesday, which means that the paper will get submitted at the proper time and I’ll be able to devote myself to studying on Wednesday.

   In life, we get unexpected breaks tossed our way - usually when we least expect it, but could sure use it.  Rather than griping and complaining about how our routine has been disrupted, we should savour these unexpected breaks for the bonuses they are.  Who hasn’t wished for one more day to accomplish a task, or for a couple hours just to themselves.

   Also, take time to enjoy the changing seasons.  Admire the changing leaves, walk out in the crisp fall air, rake some leaves together and then jump in them like a little kid, enjoy the garden produce and the fruit harvests.

   We have much to be thankful for in our world.  Let’s take the time to remember to appreciate and acknowledge our blessings.

   Happy Thanksgiving! 


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