Friday 1 April 2005

April 1, 2005 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   Everyone’s perception of a current situation is based upon their previous experience.

   I have completed the vast majority of my university studies via distance ed. (Athabasca) and on online.  Most of my undergrad courses involved a heavy workload, with not only lots of reading required, but lots of essays too.

   In comparison, the online graduate courses I have been working on, while still quite challenging mentally, really are considerably lighter in terms of workload - less reading as there is usually only one textbook, not five!  As well, instead of an 8 - 10 page essay (or even up to 12 - 14 pages), I’m required to write only 3 - 5 pages (and sometimes only 1 page!).

   In our online class discussion a few weeks ago, someone started comparing the workload of on-campus courses versus online courses, and some online courses from various universities (all in the US).

   While the other students were moaning and groaning about how much work we are required to do in our current online class as compared to the on campus students, I put in my two cents, letting them know that from my past experience, in comparison, what we were required to do was a breeze!  Needless to say, I’ve been severely outvoted in that regard.

   If you are used to only putting in the bare minimum of effort towards life, you will find it to be quite challenging and overwhelming when more is required of you. 

   On the other hand, if you are used to going the extra mile and giving more, you will not find it difficult to continue at that level, and you will appreciate it on those rare occasions when less effort is required.

   Are you feeling overwhelmed by the effort that life requires of you, or are you finding it a breeze?  


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