Friday 19 May 2006

May 19, 2006 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer  

  I was at a very well attended community function not that long ago.  I had a delightful time, as I’m sure most of those in attendance did.  My only concern was that there were smokers smoking inside during the performance.

   In the province of Alberta we have a Smoke Free Places Act which states that there can be no smoking in public facilities when there are minors under the age of 18 present.

   The community event I attended was definitely a public event in a public facility.  As well, there were a large number of children present under 18 years of age.

   Also at this event were a few smokers who were smoking inside the building a mere handful of feet from where a number of children were sitting.  I didn't see any of the members of the hosting organization ask them extinguish their smokes, or to go outside.

   I would hate to see our communities lose valuable family and public events in the future just because they don’t want to abide by the legislation or enforce it at their events. 

   Let’s hope that community organizations hosting events in the coming months will take the responsibility to ensure that they are complying with provincial legislation so the same thing doesn’t occur next year.


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