Friday 15 September 2006

September 15, 2006 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer  

   Every day we see, hear, smell, taste and sense things in our environment.  In any given moment in the day we are bombarded with umpteen different sensory details coming at us.  This happens to us every second of our lives.

   Some days we completely miss the different clues that life is giving us.  We are oblivious to how our lives are like a jigsaw puzzle and we are given the next piece right at the exact moment we need it. 

   Some days we are so focused on what isn't happening, what isn’t going right, or what we don’t have that we completely ignore the various nonverbal signals that are showing us new opportunities and adventures that await us.

   We need to wake up and pay attention to the world around us and the myriad of clues and puzzle pieces life freely hands us to ease our journey through this life and its many twists and turns.

   We need to be aware of the absurdities and seemingly insignificant moments of our lives - therein lies some of our greatest treasures and wisdom. 

   We need to open all of our senses to the marvelous and wondrous mysteries that life shares with each and every one of us every moment of our lives.

   By focusing on what you are grateful for in life, you not only will find more of that, but more, and varied, riches and opportunities than you could ever possibly imagine existed in our universe. 


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