Friday 2 February 2007

February 2, 2007 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

2007 marks the 100th Anniversary of the well known Hershey Chocolate Kiss. Everyone can recognize one of the famous chocolates with its distinctive shape and foil wrapper with that little identifying piece of paper poking out of the top.

Though the years Hershey has had some very creative ways of marketing the simple Chocolate Kisses. My favourites are the TV ads at Christmas time.

There are more flavours of Hershey Chocolate Kisses available than ever before. Have you tried:
· Milk chocolate Kisses
· Dark chocolate Kisses
· Hugs (Kisses)
· Almond Kisses
· Caramel Kisses
· Mint Chocolate Kisses
· Candy Cane Kisses
· Or the other varieties

We can all learn something from that simple Hershey Chocolate Kiss. The chocolate is the same, it is recognizable, it hasn’t changed its essence. recent years we have various flavours to chose from, new colours of wrappers, and new fillings.

Like the chocolates, we can change and grow and develop different areas of our lives, all while keeping what makes us distinctly “us” the same and recognizable.

This Valentine’s Day when you have a chocolate, remember the lesson of the Hershey Kiss!


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