Friday 20 April 2007

April 20, 2007 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

I have been having a very interesting email exchange with one of my friends for the past week.

My friend has quit her corporate job to work in the service sector with people. You’d think she would be excited about this new phase in her life, but she approached it kicking and screaming the whole way. Those of us who know her think that it is about time. Her caring nature and ability to put people at ease, her humorous approach and ability to create a nurturing atmosphere around her, make her a natural for her new life. But she doesn’t really see that...we do, but she doesn’t.

Now, it would not be surprising at all to find someone very reluctant and downright bullish about doing something they have never done. You want me to WHAT?!?! (bungie jump, speak in public, organize a large function, take on a larger opponent, or whatever it may be). We are often hesitant to try new things or step out of the comfort zone.

On the other hand, I find it interesting how we fight tooth and nail, clinging to our (distorted) perceptions of ourselves, rather than do something that is as natural to us as breathing. If something comes that easy to us why do we find excuses and reasons not to do it? We can’t use the excuse it is too hard or we don’t know how, but we can sure come up with pages and pages of other excuses.

What skill or talent do you have that is so easy you can’t believe everyone can’t do it? Are you sharing skill or talent with others?


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