Friday 21 August 2009

August 21, 2009 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

What would make you willing to do _(fill in the blank)_ for the rest of your life?”
That question is the main question in the book The Monk and the Riddle by Randy Komisar.

The question is not asking what you actually will do for the rest of your life, rather it asks what excites you so much, and has so much meaning for you, that you would be willing to do that for the rest of your life if you could?

Another way to look at the question is to ask yourself if you are doing what you want to be doing for the rest of your life if you found out that your life was going to end unexpectedly in 24 hours? If you’re not, why not?

Those are good questions to ask yourself before you start a new job, task, or take on a new committee position. If you are unable to change the job you are in, or resign from a committee, what do you need to change to make that job or position something that you would be willing to be involved in for the rest of your life?

If it doesn’t have significant meaning, or really excite you, why is it part of your life?


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