Friday 4 September 2009

September 4, 2009 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

I came across a new word this past week...leela. Leela is Sanskrit, and literally translates to “God’s play.” It refers to the aspect of our lives and universe that seems to be quite humorous and playful.

When you are in a situation where life just seems to be going every way but the way you want it to, and you decide you might as well laugh as cry...that is leela.

When you are in a situation when everything is going your way and you aren’t sure if you should enjoy it or wait for the other shoe to fall...that is leela.

Leela is what makes you laugh when the day is going downhill very rapidly. Leela is what lets you recognize that there is still breathtaking beauty all around you even as you are mired in deep pain. Leela is the creative spirit at work when you are faced with overcoming some of life’s toughest challenges.

Leela gives us a chance to release some tension from our lives and lighten up as life happens just as it is going to happen - with or without our permission.


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