Friday 16 April 2010

April 16, 2010 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

A unique new fashion trend has been unveiled just in time for spring and has been sweeping across our region at a rapid rate.

It matters not your age, gender, body shape, or even income, this trend is available to all without restriction.

What is this great fashion trend of which I speak? It is the wind-blown look!

No need to purchase a whole new wardrobe or visit the beauty salon. Just walk outside and let Mother Nature herself give you a FREE personalized makeover custom designed just for you. What a fabulous deal!

While you may think such an equal-opportunity trend would lead to a uninspiring sameness, that is not the case as each person will retain their own unique style, and
sport a completely new look daily.

Personally, I’m waiting for the drenched look to come back into fashion! :)


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