Friday 17 December 2010

December 17, 2010 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

The countdown to Christmas is on! Of course, the way the days fly by (especially for us adults) we’ll blink and it will all be over for another year.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Did you know that people used to celebrate the Christmas season, not just Christmas Day? The traditional Twelve Days of Christmas marked the days between December 25 and January 6. Depending on what source you read, the twelve days are from Christmas Eve to Epiphany Eve (the 12th night), or Christmas Day to Epiphany Day (the 12th day).

Other traditions extended the Christmas season a total of 40 days! Thus, the season ended on Candlemas (February 2).

Maybe if we returned Christmas to a season - rather than just a day or week - we would be able to once again really experience the miracles, wonder, peace, joy, and love that Christmas represents - not just at this particular time of year, but throughout the whole year.


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