Friday 3 February 2012

February 3, 2012 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer     

   Are you aware that you are really good at something?  No, I'm serious.  Are you?  Please note that whining, complaining, worrying, avoiding reality, hiding from life, and fearful living totally don't count, even if you are a seasoned veteran at them.

   Also, I'm not referring to a skill or proficiency that you constantly brag about to others.  Incidentally, it has been shown over and over again, in numerous situations, that if you have to repeatedly "tell" people you are whatever quality or talent you are hyping, you obviously aren't exhibiting that quality or talent, otherwise they'd see it.

   There is at least one task or quality that you are so proficient at that others can't help but see you exhibit it in your life - no matter what job or situation or encounter you may find yourself in.  As humans are such complex creatures, I can say that you probably are extremely proficient in more than one task or quality.

   So, do you know what yours is?  If not, ask the people around you - they will be able to point it out with no difficulty at all.  You may be surprised at what they tell you.

   So many of us feel we need to accomplish certain things to prove to others that we have value and worth.  Why?  You are alive and breathing which means you automatically have value and worth.  Plus, no matter what you do, you will never prove whatever it is you are trying to prove to others, because if they can't see you have value just by being, nothing you will do will change that.

   If the person you are trying to prove your value to is yourself, there will be no change until you know, in the depths of your soul, that you are valuable because you are alive and can share your unique qualities with the world.  Do you know you are valuable?  Does your life reflect that knowledge?

Read the complete issue of The Chautauqua here:

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