Friday 15 June 2012

June 15, 2012

From the Editor's Computer

     You can get through anything life hands you if you stay put in the day you are in and don’t jump ahead.  Regina Brett

    We all know we should live in the moment, however that is easier said than done.  Our world seems to be spinning faster and faster.  Christmas items are on display in the stores earlier and earlier.  We miss the holiday because we are so busy anticipating and preparing for the next one. 

   Or, we spend so much time putting off doing tasks and dealing with what needs dealt with that we dread having to deal with it in the future.  And we all know that a tiny, simple task put off till a later time grows into a massive undertaking.

   Living in the moment is actually easier than we want to admit.  Sometimes living in the moment means being present and listening to the person talking to you - not wallowing in the past or worrying about the future.

   Living in the moment is possible when you just deal with whatever has come to your awareness that needs done.  Often we can deal with something in the time we make excuses not to deal with it.

   I’m really good at following the saying, “why do today what you can put off to tomorrow?” (or the next day, or next month, or next year!).  When it is a 10 or 15 minute task, putting it off really doesn’t make sense in the long run.  Better to do it when you are thinking about it.


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