Friday 1 March 2013

March 1, 2013 Chautauqua

From the Editor's Computer

   Do you realize there is no fighting in nature?  Competition, yes.  I’m sure we’ve all seen pictures, video, or even real deer/moose/rams locking horns. 

   But there is no fighting in nature.

   The seasons come and go without fighting over whose turn it really is to be prominent.

   The sun shines continuously, and doesn’t fight the an clouds that may block it from our sight.

   Water falls as rain wherever it wants and water flows in and around anything in its path with no resistance.

   The wind blows and everything yields to it.  Branches break off, dirt and debris blow hither and yon.

   Grass and other plants just grow.  They don’t fight to grow where they  want, they just grow where conditions are ideal for them to produce.

   Animals, even ones who prey on each other, manage to peacefully co-exist for the most part. 

   Nature does what it does with little effort, and no fighting.

   Yet, humans are different.  We are constantly fighting.

    We fight the weather, we fight the seasons, we fight  nature (if dandelions weren’t supposed to grow there, they wouldn’t!), we fight with each other.

  More than that we fight ourselves.  What if we emulated nature and just let ourselves be the way we are?


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